My entire family is sick this morning - both my daughters have fever and Mandy (my wife) and I have sore throats, headaches, and congestion. Pretty miserable condition. When I woke up this morning, I made some hot tea and read through John Chapter 4.
ALL PEOPLE ARE WELCOME - I love it how Jesus so emphatically made a statement that all people--no matter what nationality, religious background, or race-- are welcome in his Presence, if they open themselves to Him. The Samaritan woman was surprised Jesus even talked to her, "for Jews refuse to have anything to do with Samaritans" (4:9)
Pray for all of us to have that attitude, that all are equal and welcome in God's eyes. I'm not saying this means we can sin all we want and still be ok. "Coming to Him" means we need to be open to His Ways of living.
ALL ARE THIRSTY FOR GOD - Jesus said, "those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again" (4:14). Reality is that all people are created with a longing for God. He built us to have relationship with Him, and until we do, we will never truly be fulfilled no matter what we try to fill that gap with.
Pray for God to reveal to each one of us how much we really need Him. Then pray that He would use us to show others how to drink of "his water" - and be fulfilled in Him.
WORSHIP IS A MATTER OF THE HEART - Jesus said that the location of worship is no longer important, but that "true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. The Father sis looking for those..." (4:23). It is not the style of worship that honors Him and it is not the building that impresses Him, it is the condition of the hearts of the people - the passion and sincerity of our worship that matters to Him.
Pray that God will make us true worshippers, whose public worship is a reflection of our private worship. Pray South Bay Church will be a community of people who worship with passion and sincerity.
SPREADING THE NEWS - Once the Samaritan woman realized who Jesus was, she instantly went to share the news with all her neighbors and friends. She was so impacted by Him, that she wanted others to know Him also. In fact it says that, "many Samaritans from the village believed in Jesus" because of her (4:39).
Pray that we all of us who experience the joy of knowing God would be urged to spread the news to those around us. Pray we will take every opportunity to share the Message that helps us find true Life.
I am amazed that the woman wouldn't question why Jesus needed the well water when he had water that gives life. It is also interesting that she left her water jar. She was truly excited about finding the Messiah - she left something significant behind. Another thing is that the people would listen to this worldly woman and believe her. They saw the change in her that only Jesus can make. I pray that we would be bold enough to do what she did.