He displayed a type of love that is totally uncommon in our world. The Master, Lord, Messiah, God Himself, washing the dirty sweaty feet of his creation. He said He did this to "give us an example to follow" (13:15) Then He said, "now that you know these things, God will bless you for doing them." (13:17).
He finished the conversation that day by saying, "Love each other, just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." (13:34)
When was the last time we loved that way? Authentic, deep, unselfish, humble LOVE. As we learn to love, as Jesus loved, the world will then see our God. It won't be our convincing arguments, great charisma, or relevant worship services that will "prove" to the world who we belong to. It is our love.
"Father, I pray that the people of South Bay Church will be known as a community of authentic love. I pray the world around will be compelled to know who you are because of the uncommon love and humility seen in your people."
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