John 6:8-9 "One of the disciples... said, 'There's a little boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish. But that's a drop in the bucket for a crowd like this' ".
Let's just imagine for a minute if you will, that you are standing on a mountain top. We just heard a bunch of people talking about this man who could do amazing things. You decided to follow Him for the day, listening to Him. You packed a lunch, set off on the journey, and settled in, right in the middle of a huge crowd. Knowing you had a few minutes before it began, you open up your basket with your meager meal to tide you over till dinner. Just as you break into the bread, and put the first piece in your mouth, a man comes to you, saying "Hey, you, I need that basket of food". You stop chewing, looking at him in disbelief, wondering, "is he talking to me?? Surely he doesn't mean me?" You look down at your basket of food, look back at him, thinking, "This is the only thing I brought today, there's nowhere else to get food. I'll have to wait till late tonight if I give this away". He's staring at you a little harder now, and explains, "We need this, everyone is hungry". You think to yourself, Wait, isn't this the guy traveling with Jesus? A little reluctantly, you give your basket over, hoping in just a slight way to give back to this Man who has given you so much in such a short time.
Your eyes follow him as he takes it back up to the front. Just as he does, Jesus shouts to the whole crowd, "We give thanks to the Father for this food we are about to receive". "How can that be" you think, "it was only a few fish and some bread - not even enough to fill me up for the day, maybe he got some other food from the crowd". Then sure enough, Jesus began breaking the bread and fish from your basket and dispersing it to the disciples. The disciples went around to the entire crowd, passing it out, and everyone got more than you had originally packed, and even picked up extra! When the same man who took your food came back to collect the extras he whispers his thanks. You are amazed and astonished, and settle in to listen to this amazing man!
What a unique story of being a servant. Often times, we believe we have nothing to give, nothing to contribute. This boy, really, only had the food he brought - nothing he believed was substantial. Because he was willing to allow it to be used as a gift, Jesus turned his meager meal for one into a feast for 5,000. I believe it's so important to remember that God can use anything and everything. Nothing we have is too small for Him. Often times, I feel the same way, that the talents, gifts, and abilities I have are not good enough, or can't be used because they have no purpose. God wants every part of us. He's asking us all the time, "can I have your small basket of fish? I want to turn it into something amazing and wonderful, like a feast for 5,000!" What do you have today that you believe is not good enough for God? What are you holding onto thinking that God cannot use? What are you hoarding, thinking "this is the only thing that I have to last me"? Give it to God and be amazed at what He can do! Serve Him with all your heart and enjoy the feast!
I was stricken when I read about how clueless the disciples and people were after they had witnessed miracles. Today, we are still often clueless. We have been bringing 2 girls with us to church every week. Their dad and older brother joined us for a church event last night. The father also went today to church, which is what I'v been praying for. He has mentioned twice that he wants me and his wife to get to know each other better. Usually, this is easy for me, but I am the clueless one. God revealed to me in John 6:44 that no one comes to Jesus unless the Father makes them want to come. I have seen God work miracles just like the disciples and people witnessed in that day. I shouldn't grumble about what to say to her. Instead, I need to pray that God prepares her heart. Christ will give me the words to say when the time is right. After all, God IS already working in this family.