JOHN 19 - It was Passover week for the Jews, the day they celebrated the time when God "passed over" the homes of everyone who had killed a lamb and marked their front doors with the symbol of a cross (in blood). These people were the only ones who survived God's judgement of sin, since they obeyed His command to mark their doors.
After celebrating this Festival for many years, they now have another Lamb to kill, another cross of blood, and another opportunity for judgement to pass over humanity. This Passover was different. It marked history. A perfect man, a Holy God, fulfilling hundreds of prophecies, crucified on a cross so that we may live.
A miracle happened that day. All of our sins were carried on Jesus' shoulders. He gave us all the chance to receive eternal life - life with Him! Forgiveness of sins is now available. It was not cheap, it cost Him much pain and even death, but for us... all we need to do is believe. Really believe.
"Jesus once again we confess that we believe in You. Thank you for the gift of life and forgiveness! Thank you for bridging the gap to the Father for us! Thank you for taking my every sin to the cross, so that I might know you intimately. I believe."
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